Case Study: Renovation Church

We’re excited to share how For Church Agency helped Renovation Church of Atlanta achieve growth in their overall giving and an increase in the amount their members were giving.

Case Study Overview:

Renovation Church is a thriving multi-ethnic church in the city of Atlanta. The COVID-19 pandemic was particularly difficult, as they could not physically gather for 14 months. When they were able to begin physically gathering again in 2021, they found that their church was conservatively 50% new compared to pre-lockdown.

The challenge they faced was how to build a culture of generosity in an environment that was still reeling from COVID-19. They needed to do it quickly, as they had purchased a brand new building just before the lockdown.

In the immortal words of the great Wyatt Earp, we needed to “Move slow, but in a hurry.”

From the start of the project, we knew our approach had to be different. The conventional wisdom is to immediately start with a capital campaign, but this close to COVID-19, that was not an option.

Instead, we decided to build a generosity system that addressed every stage of their church’s giving journey. We wanted to create an environment where generosity and giving were natural and joyful parts of life within the community.

The results were better than hoped for. We began implementation in Q4 of 2022 through Q2 of 2023. In 2023, they saw an increase of 63% in overall giving!

With a foundational culture of generosity established, we then began working on their three-year capital campaign for the renovation—no pun intended—of their new property.

In their first year of the campaign, 2024, not only did overall giving grow by another 43%, but something truly miraculous happened. The growth in giving was coming from nearly the same amount of actual donors. The average amount a donor gave over the course of the year grew by roughly 43%.

Their congregation had become more generous!

Renovation success is amazing, but not unique. We have seen over and over again that when you focus on the experience and culture of generosity in your church, growth happens.

Their Senior Pastor Léonce Crump Jr had this to say about his experience,

For Church Agency has transformed the way we approach fundraising. With their expert guidance, we not only increased our donations by over 40% but also created a genuine connection with our donors. It feels great to have a partner who truly understands our mission and the challenges we face.

If you’re facing similar challenges, we’d love to chat! Feel free to reply or schedule a free consultation/strategy call with us [Click Here].

Looking forward to supporting your church,

Copper Nelms | CEO of For Church


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